
Welcome to my blog!

I’ve wanted to do a website of practical advice for single Christian women for almost 20 years now. In my 20’s, I was disappointed by the dearth of information for single Christian women that didn't involve finding the perfect husband. There was very little practical information about living life in general, and I wanted to fill that void.

A lot of information on this blog may seem like common sense, but a lot of women, especially young women just starting out on their own, really don’t know how to balance a checkbook or clean their home in a practical way. I hope to cover a variety of topics, both practical and spiritual. I am really excited about this blog!

Monday, October 29, 2012

At Long Last, A New Post!

After a haitus of several months, I have decided to give my blog another shot. I was going to post a political entry, but I see that the last entry I did was political, lol. I will do something else today, and save my political rants for another day. :)

Since this is a blog for single Christian women, I'd like to like to bring up an important issue: having our daily quiet time with God. As single women, we have more time for Bible study and prayer than our married and/or childed counterparts. It is important to take advantage of this blessing of free time and spend some time with God each day.

Just start with 10 or 15 minutes, thank God for your blessings, ask Him to forgive your sins, and read a passage from the Bible. I really like the epistles (letters) in the New Testament, and I also like the Proverbs. You may buzz through several books in a few weeks, or you may meditate on the same passage or verse for days or even weeks. Let the Spirit guide you. He will let you know what you need to read for that day.

As you grow in your faith, and as the Spirit leads you, you will find that you are adding activities to your daily devotion time. I have the following basic Devotions routine:

1. Greeting prayer
2. Praise journal (I write a page full of the things I'm thankful for)
3. Prayer journal (requests for myself and others)
4. Prayer time (first my thanks, then my requests)
5. Scripture memorization (I'm still working on this part, lol)
6. The Main Event: reading scripture :)

I try to spend about an hour or so a day with God. Sometimes my mind wanders and it takes longer, and sometimes I have to shorten it because of my schedule, but the important thing for me is spending time with God first thing in the morning.

I want to encourage all of you to do the same thing. You can spend time with God any time of the day. You can just read the Bible, or find an inspiring devotional book to help you. You can do a formal Bible study with a study guide. Do whatever works best for you!

I hope this little post will inspire you to spend some quality time with God.

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