
Welcome to my blog!

I’ve wanted to do a website of practical advice for single Christian women for almost 20 years now. In my 20’s, I was disappointed by the dearth of information for single Christian women that didn't involve finding the perfect husband. There was very little practical information about living life in general, and I wanted to fill that void.

A lot of information on this blog may seem like common sense, but a lot of women, especially young women just starting out on their own, really don’t know how to balance a checkbook or clean their home in a practical way. I hope to cover a variety of topics, both practical and spiritual. I am really excited about this blog!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Election Reflection

After several days to think about the election, the disappointing outcome, and the implications, I have a few thoughts about the state of our country and its future.

First of all, I am not surprised. I knew it would be a 50/50 chance. We prayed. We fasted. But most importantly, we asked God for HIS will to be done, not ours. Of course, OUR will would have been a Romney win. But apparently God has other plans for our country.

I think that we are seeing the fall of our once-great nation. God has given us time to repent of our national sins, and yet we continue to murder the unborn en masse, take Him out of our society bit by bit, make it harder to practice Christianity, and promote immorality as the new normal.

I'm not trying to sound like a prude. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm not perfect. I've shacked up. I've had sex outside of marriage. I've done a lot of things that are unbecoming to a Christian. So I'm not trying to play "holier than thou."

But we do need to take a good look at our country. We kill our children and call it "choice." We promote single motherhood and call it "welfare." We allow foreigners to break our laws and call it "tolerance." We have instigated class warfare and race warfare and gender warfare. We take money away from productive people and companies and use it to build government bureaucracies that take away our freedoms.

We take money away from our own children and give it to countries who hate us, who use it to oppress their people. We have left our kids with a crippling debt so we can give subsidies to bankrupt companies. We have killed thousands of jobs in the name of environmentalism. We have killed thousands of American soldiers to protect oil fields in the Middle East rather than displacing a few polar bears and drilling our own oil.

Is it any wonder that God has given us what we wanted? I heard a lot of preachers urging America to "vote its values." Well, it looks like we did. Our values have changed, and not for the better.

When George Washington was inaugurated as the first president of the United States, his first official act was to lead a procession to a nearby church for a prayer session. This year, God's name was taken out of the Democratic National Platform, and was boo'ed when it was put back in. We have taken God out of our schools. We have made it politically incorrect to express our faith. Christian organizations are being forced to either comply with laws that go against their core values or else shut down
altogether. Revisionist history has removed our Christian heritage from our children's text books.

We have stopped disciplining our children, and fill them up with drugs instead. We focus on school lunches to "protect the children" while thousands of children are trafficked for sex right under our noses. We allow those who victimize underage children to get off with a slap on the wrist while the children themselves are returned to their abusers. We tag underage children as "sex offenders" for sending naked pictures to their agemates while we protect actual child-rape pornography as "free speech."

Is it any wonder that the election turned out the way it did? We voted our values, and our values suck. We got what we deserve.

So is there any hope for our country? I find it interesting that there has been a movement within the evangelical community to pray for revival for our country. What if the revival we're praying for comes as a result of persecution? The church is flourishing in China, where it can be deadly to confess one's faith. Perhaps a period of persecution is what it will take to bring lukewarm Americans back to God.

But no matter what happens, God is in control. And we have His promise that He will never leave us or forsake us. We must continue to pray for our country to return to God. We must pray for our brothers and sisters in other countries who are under persecution for their faith. And most importantly, we must pray that we ourselves will stand strong if we are called to be persecuted for our Christian faith.

I know my last few posts have been rather serious, and I will get back to the original intent of this blog: to give advice to single Christian women about life in general. But please take a moment to praise God for the fact that we still live in a country where we can posts blog posts like this one without being hauled away by the goolag. That day may come, so let's make the most of our freedom while we have it.

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